13 november 2013

Interior: Ege's Queens & Jewels collection Opulence

Ege's Queens and Jewels collection "Opulence"

Ege launches a new collection, Opulence, and it creates an atmosphere of glory. The collection is made by the English designer Geoff Haley and contains 6 unique design stories inspired by queens and diamonds.

The diamonds are visible in the carpets and all the stories are named after queens telling the story about a wealthy life. The carpets provide an atmosphere of prosperity and fulfill the rooms with glory. Opulence is carpets for projects requiring additional elegance and atmosphere and the collection is produced in ege standard colours making recolouration possible. Opulence is a carpet solution with beautiful diamonds spreading out over the floor. For more information see the enclosed links below.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. very nice site ! I just try to make a blog about car, please give me some ideas !

    1. Thank you for your nice reaction, Nhung. Nice to hear that you like my weblog. I just took a look at your weblog, looks nice with beautiful car designs.

      To give you some ideas:
      - Tell something about yourself on your weblog to make your blog more personal. Tell about your interest in cars, why your started with your weblog, what your purpose is. You can also add a photo from yourself. People can connect then more easily with you.
      - Add the possibility that people can follow you with Google Friend Connect (see on top of this page at the right to get an idea).
      - Look on internet to find more bloggers who write about cars. Add your name at their weblog by the function "Google Friend Connect". Mostly they will follow you back.
      - Add how many visitors pay a visit at your weblog (see on top of this page at the right to get an idea).
      - You could use more functions for designing your weblog, see the possibility of "Design" on top of your weblog. I spent many hours for designing this weblog just by trying out several possibilities.
      - Look on internet for companies who write about interesting cars. Add your name to receive a newsletter from them. Very often you can use interesting info from such a newsletter or interesting photos. It's important then that you mention at the end of a new blog the source where you get this info from as a courtesy (to get an idea see several blogs from me at the end of a blog).
      - You can also plan several blogs. I have very often inspiration. As soon as I see something interesting I place this text and photos in a draft blog. At a later moment I work it out then. I also plan automatically blogs for the coming months, for example for January, February, March, April etc. You can plan this with mentioning a date in the future. Just try out several options to get an idea what you can do with a weblog.

      Hope this info is useful for you. Good luck with your weblog.
      Best regards,
      Irene from Holland

    2. Below I gave a reaction back to you, Nhung on December 15th, 2013. Hope you like it and that it is useful for you. Wish you a nice day. Greetings from Holland. Irene Pouw (By Elisabeth NL).
