04 september 2017

Decorating: Chic Piet Hein Eek marble wallpaper

While surfing on internet today I found this inspiring marble wallpaper from the Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek. Once a luxury reserved for sculptors and architects, marble's popularity in the modern design world has waxed and waned for decades. But this latest reprisal has a different bent. Far being just a finishing touch in contemporary bathroom and kitchen design, marble has become a primary material of choice for industrial designers. Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek extends his collection of modern wallpapers with the Marble suite, a collaboration with digital design experts NLXL. Availabe in 4 colorways including a striking black iteration. This collection of contemporary wallpaper designs illustrates cutting edge digital photography at its most innovative, yielding an inspired choice of richly textured wall coverings. Be Inspired ........
Thank you for reading this blogpost.
Sources: 2modern.comPiet Hein Eek and NLXL

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