11 december 2022

Art: Beautiful artwork by artist Vladimir Babich

While surfing on internet today I found this refined and rich painting from the artist Vladimir Babich. What a Beauty to see! Be Inspired ......
More about the artist
Vladimir Babich is a contemporary Russian artist. He works in the style of Post Impressionism following the traditions of Van Gogh, Monet. Vladimir N. Babich graduated from the Moscow University of Art (Stroganovskoye uchilishye). He is a member of the Moscow Artists Association since 1986. Since 1993 he has been working for Marlboro Gallery in the USA and many private galleries. His oil on canvas paintings are acquired by the Gallery of Germany, Stuttgard. Many of his works are in private collections in Italy, USA, Hungary, Germany, France, Austria, Greece, Israel, South Korea, Philippines, China, Australia, Russia etc.

Thank you for reading this blogpost.
Source: Vladimir Babich

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