30 juli 2020

Art: Inspiring art by Dutch artist Karin Vermeer (01)

While surfing on internet earlier, I found this beautiful artwork from the Dutch artist Karin Vermeer. Be inspired by these lace structured glossy royalties. I will write another blog about her inspiring work, will follow soon ......
Princess Yolante Van Ravensteyn
Femme Jeane Van Ravensteyn
Maria Fiodorovna Kramskoi
Princess de Brogile Ingre
Princess de Brogile Ingre
Dutch artist Karin Vermeer. Ph. by Gert Jan Pos.
More About The Artist
Karin Vermeer is born and raised in the city of Tilburg, The Netherlands in 1970. In 1994 she finished the Willem de Kooning Academy in the direction Fashion Design, Illustration and Painting. After finishing her education she directly started to work for many different clients, this in art and scenery painting. In early 2000 she specialized more in digital design with different programs. Nowadays she mainly designs paintings on demand, specifically intended for the interior branch. She still makes scenery paintings, illustrations and autonomous works. Her work is always very versatile. She combines realism and abstract matters creating and evolving beautiful pieces of art. You could best define her as a creative myriapod that doesn‘t caution any material. She has much empathy and a good feel for trends and styling. The materials she uses are acrylic- and oilpaints, modeling pastes, gels, photography and many other unusual materials.
Art by Dutch artist Karin Vermeer.
What Karin wrote about her work: 
'My work is a mix of different pictures/images and paint which I combine on the computer and canvas to create a new image. My favourite subject is the female face. Most of the portraits I create are a mix of four to five different faces, mostly of different race and origin. On my computer I create a new, non existing person out of them. Beside creating and building new persons I also make pictures in my studio of models that I use. Together with these pictures and the pictures of old walls, grunge posters and all kinds of other interesting subjects I create a new image. When the digital part is ready I print the image and start painting over it. I create thick structures and a lot of layers of paint and gel over them. In this way I try to make a digital image tangible again. My work is not so much about explanation and concept. It is a game and all about the image. I start with no idea in general but by looking at images that interest me and by mixing them, slowly a new image evolves.

Thank you for reading this blogpost.
Sources: Karin Vermeer, Saatchi Art and Pinterest
Note: these photos have been placed with approval of the artist. 

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