Be inspired by this fantastic collection from fashion designer Tadashi Shoji for F/W 2020, seen at New York Fashion Week. What a beautiful gowns to see and what a stunning graphic blue eye makeup! Daniel Martin, lead make-up artist used it for a splattered eyeshadow effect. He made this bold prediction for 2020: 'blue is the new black when creating a bold eye'. But instead of just filling the entire lid with color, Martin used a dual-fiber brush to give the outer edges what he describes as hashtag-like points. "From the runway, you see the shape," he said. "But up close, you see the intricacy of the brush. It's almost like a Jackson Pollack [painting]."
About Me

- ByElisabethNL
- Welcome! Thank you for visiting my weblog. I am Irene, Elisabeth Pouw, a Dutch blogger. As blogger I am connecting my readers with beauty, style, quality and craftsmanship in various subjects like interiordesign, architecture, haute couture, photography, art etc. I love decorating & bringing beauty and harmony into interiors. I created this blog to share my passion for decorating as well as the many other things which inspire me. From time to time I am also highlighting certain interior designers, decorators, architects, stylists, photographers etc. I hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to give a comment on my blogs. I will react back as soon as possible. Best regards, Irene Pouw from Holland.
31 december 2020
Tadashi Shoji F/W 2020, seen at New York Fashion Week
30 december 2020
Introduction: Fluid Art by Irene (01)
My name is Irene Pouw. I live in Holland not so far from the city Amsterdam. I am a blogger, haute couture lover and (hobby) photographer. I am a great lover of art. I always had this interest to discover beauty, colors, harmony and diversity in art. Art can surprise and touch us in so many ways. I feel a deep desire to express myself more in creativity, using colors and abstract forms. Would like to develop myself the coming years as a creative artist by learning certain techniques and discover unknown areas of freedom and expression. I am looking forward to this journey. :-) Hope I can inspire you .......
29 december 2020
Happy New Year! Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021
New Year's Eve is just around the corner. It has been a challenging year for everyone due to Covid-19. Please have a safe & peaceful New Year's Eve. Wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year. May your 2021 be filled with Happiness, Love, Joy, Peace, a good Health & Prosperity. Hope I can share with you in 2021 some inspiring blogs again. ♥ Irene Pouw, Interior- and Fashionblogger NL
Bijna Oudejaarsavond! Het jaar 2020 was voor velen een turbulent jaar vanwege Covid-19. Wens u en uw geliefden de beste wensen voor 2021. Wees veilig en gezond. Dat 2021 gevuld mag zijn met Geluk, Liefde, Vreugde, Vrede, een goede Gezondheid en Voorspoed. Ik hoop in 2021 weer diverse inspirerende blogs met u te kunnen delen. ♥ Irene Pouw, Interior- and Fashionblogger NL