About Me

Mijn foto
Welcome! Thank you for visiting my weblog. I am Irene, Elisabeth Pouw, a Dutch blogger. As blogger I am connecting my readers with beauty, style, quality and craftsmanship in various subjects like interiordesign, architecture, haute couture, photography, art etc. I love decorating & bringing beauty and harmony into interiors. I created this blog to share my passion for decorating as well as the many other things which inspire me. From time to time I am also highlighting certain interior designers, decorators, architects, stylists, photographers etc. I hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to give a comment on my blogs. I will react back as soon as possible. Best regards, Irene Pouw from Holland.

04 juli 2024


Good Morning! Today I've reached 2,000,000 page views since I started with my weblog ByElisabethNL on December 11th, 2011. I am really proud of this result. Would like to thank my readers wholeheartedly for their interest in my blogs. It has always been a pleasure for me to share inspiring articles with youWishing you a great day and greetings from Holland. 

Irene Pouw, Interior- & Fashionblogger (ByElisabethNL). ♥
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03 juli 2024

Sony World Photography Awards: Inspiring photo from Wilfred Berthelsen

Would like to share with you today this inspiring photo from photographer Wilfred Berthelsen, chosen by the Sony World Photography Awards (Travel, 2014). What a beautiful photo to see! Earlier I wrote more blogs about Photography, SEE HERE

Sony World Photography Awards elevate the careers of photographers to the next level. Since the beginning, the Awards have championed inclusivity and access by being free to enter. Acting as an insight into photography today in all its diversity, the Awards spotlights photographers telling the stories of our time.

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Sources: Sony World Photography Awards and Wilfred Berthelsen
Photos via Huffington Post

01 juli 2024

Welcome July ...........

  Let's welcome the new month July. Wishing you a sunny & inspiring month with lots of Love, Joy and Happiness!

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While surfing on internet today I came across this beautiful art from Chinese artist Liu Yaming. Be inspired .......

More about the painter
Liu Yaming was born in June 1962 in Nei Jiang, Si Chuan Province, China. Undoubtedly one of the best Chinese painters today, he has exhibited in countries around the world. He has traveled throughout Europe, studying the great masters in France, Holland, Italy and Spain.

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