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Welcome! Thank you for visiting my weblog. I am Irene, Elisabeth Pouw, a Dutch blogger. As blogger I am connecting my readers with beauty, style, quality and craftsmanship in various subjects like interiordesign, architecture, haute couture, photography, art etc. I love decorating & bringing beauty and harmony into interiors. I created this blog to share my passion for decorating as well as the many other things which inspire me. From time to time I am also highlighting certain interior designers, decorators, architects, stylists, photographers etc. I hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to give a comment on my blogs. I will react back as soon as possible. Best regards, Irene Pouw from Holland.

27 september 2024

Impressionism: Water Lilies by Claude Monet, 1899

While surfing on Twitter today I found this beautiful painting from Claude Monet called 'Water Lilies'
. I guess long-time readers discovered already that I love Impressionism and especially painting from C
laude Monet. I hope you're inspired ... Earlier I wrote more blogs about ART, SEE HERE

More about the artist
Claude Monet, 1840–1926, French landscape painter. Monet was a founder of Impressionism. He adhered to its principles throughout his long career and is considered the most consistently representative painter of the school as well as one of the foremost painters of landscape in the history of art. As a youth in Le Havre, Monet was encouraged by the marine painter Boudin to paint in the open air, a practice he never forsook. After two years (1860–62) with the army in Algeria, he went to Paris, over parental objections, to study painting. In Paris, Monet formed lasting friendships with the artists who would become the major impressionists including Pissarro, Cézanne, Renoir, Sisley and Bazille. He and several of his friends painted for a time out-of-doors in the Barbizon district. Monet soon began to concern himself with his lifelong objective: portraying the variations of light and atmosphere brought on by changes of hour and season.

Thank you for reading this blogpost
Ph. via Twitter via 
Persoonlijke foto: courtesy of www.claudemonetgallery.org
Other sources: Claude Monet Gallery and Wikipedia
For more Inspiration, see also my PINTEREST account

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